Animated Fonts are also called as Animated Typeface or Typography Animation or moving text, It is a Pre-Animated font Character which animates. You can use this freely in your video projects. Here we have listed some of the cool typography animated fonts for your use. These Free Animated fonts are used in after effects font animation.
1. Multicolore
Multicolore is an Awesome multi-colored typeface. It’s based on a rounded modular design system. The lively animations perfectly compliment the multitude of colors. For a more minimal look, simply bring it back to a single color, and turn off secondary animations like the splashes and background circle.
2. Madita
Madita is a super customizable animated script typeface. Each character seamlessly flows into the next, creating a continuous flow in design as well as in animation. You have full control over the thickness, width, and angle of the stroke.
3. Lovelo
The Lovelo Animated font completely transforms the design of the original static typeface. With 6 individually customizable strokes along the outlines, you can achieve an infinite amount of styles. Go for a seamless loop, or animate your text in and out.
4. Ink
Ink is a rounded sans serif typeface with liquid style cell animation.
5. Gilbert
An Another Awesome Animated Font
6. Explodots
Explodots is an animated typeface with a straight forward design and explosive motion. Each character has a unique in- and out-animation that is driven by a tiny dot.
7. Cappuccino
Cappuccino is a display typeface with geometric animations that feel almost liquid.
8. Burstype
Burstype is an energetic animated typeface with top quality cell animations.