Amaziograph helps you create mesmerizing tessellations and mandalas. It offers an innovative approach to mixing colors by using gestures. Just drag a color from one cell into another and mix!
With Amaziograph creating art has never been easier. Professional tattooists, artists, designers, and architects will also have great fun with Amaziograph and even can use it in their projects. Amaziograph will bring you into the world of digital art in a new innovative and fun manner.
Drawing a Dynamic Mandala on Amaziograph
2. Kaleidoscope Painter
draw a picture using colors and patterns to create symmetric art images and mandala drawing. The website app has a kaleidoscope drawing pad with some simple options where the user can draw in symmetry. Can be used on any browser on Windows Mac or Linux, on mobile android phone and tablet, iPhone or iPad.
3. Paint
Kaleidoscope Painter is used to drawing a picture using colors and patterns to create symmetric art images and mandala drawing.
4. Silk Interactive Art
It is An online tool for creating symmetrical art, including rotational symmetry.