creating an eye-catching email signature with a logo, image, link, and your details is of very importance and must these days.
Most signature designers charge a pretty penny for these basics but Free Email Signature Generator costs nothing.
Design your own email signature
Simply sign in to your email, grant the required permissions and you’re greeted with a form. Fill in your contact details, job title, and your website address, and upload a photo or logo, Once you’ve sorted the basics, it’s easy to add links to social media profiles or customize the font to your liking. Dip into the extension’s settings to create extras such as banner images, custom HTML and disclaimers.
- Add Your image and company logo or other information in Your Email Signature.
- Add A meeting calendar link in your Email Signature.
- Add A sales link or a holiday banner in Your Email Signature.
- Add YouTube video or your own video in Your Email Signature.
- Add Your Social Media Profile Links in Your Email Signature.
Free Email Signature Generator by cloudHQ works completely within Gmail and installs within seconds. There’s nothing to download or install on your hard drive. Once installed, a new icon will appear on the bottom of your Gmail compose inbox. When you click on the “Manage Gmail Signatures” icon, you will be able to customize your professional Gmail signature!
Add Social Media Profile Links
You can include all of your social media profile icons and links like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. If you have other social media profiles, just click on the button below to add them to your email signature card.
Change the Color and Sizing and Layout
You can always change the overall look of your email signature by changing the layout, the color, and the size.
Include Meeting Scheduler
Include a meeting time link in your email signature, letting your email recipients have an opportunity to either have the ability to book you for a phone call meeting, a video conference call, or even an in-person meeting. You’ll be able to set and location time parameters that work directly with your Google Calendar.
Include a YouTube Movie
You can showcase your sales event with an icon that suits your sale best, where you include a URL link to your sale and a catchy tagline too!
Add Disclaimer
Sometimes you’ll want to use a confidentiality disclaimer. Make sure your emails are confidential. You can make the disclaimer smaller as well.
Use this Chrome Extension to easily create an email business card at the end of your emails as your email signature in Gmail.
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