Like the Signature at the end of the letter, like the same way email-signature is a block of text and image at the end of the email message which contains Senders name, Phone number, address, website address, and sometimes a beautiful message which draws the attention of the receiver.
Do’s and Dont’s and How to write a Good Email Signature
- Emphasize your Name, Then Company name or Brand Name or logo, and Then Secondary Contact Information.
- Include a Call-to-action.
- Include a call-to-action like the latest news, or Upcoming event notification, etc.,
- Include an image.
- Include your picture or logo of your organization.
- Don’t put your email address in your email signature.
- Add links to Your social media profiles, or Your company Blog, and your other social media profile links that show off your professional brand.
- Don’t overstuff your email signature, it should not more than 3 or 4 lines.
- It should be responsive, i.e., when the user opens your email in his mobile, then it should be clearly visible.
- There should be a Disclaimer saying that if anyone got the email by mistake, and it is not a spam.