Photoshop is an Amazing Tool that allows users to do magic things. And also Photoshop is a complicated program and many Photoshop users face difficulties. Here in this article, you will find some Essential and most useful tips that will make your work more convenient and faster which saves a lot of time and effort. Master Photoshop with these keyboard shortcuts for more productive work, so learns these photoshop shortcut keys which makes photoshop designers’ life easier.
How to Reset Photoshop Preferences
To reset photoshop preferences, hold down Alt, Ctrl, and Shift Keys (In Mac – Command, Option, and Shift) while starting up Photoshop.
Then A dialog box will appear asking if you wish to delete the preferences/settings file.
- Press Tab to hide the Toolbar and Palette, and Shift + Tab will hide only palette.
- Press Ctrl + Alt + A and this will select all Layers.
- Press F Key to go through one of three different screen modes, which will make the work area larger.
- Pressing the Ctrl Key will turn any tool into the Move Tool while you hold it.
- Pressing Space key will change any tool into the Hand Tool while you hold it.
- By Pressing and holding Ctrl + Space and then clicking will Zoom in, and By Pressing and holding Ctrl + Alt + Space will Zoom out.
- Pressing Ctrl and + will Zoom in the Image and Pressing Ctrl and – will Zoom out the Image.
- Pressing Alt + Backspace will fill the Image or selection with the Foreground color, whereas the Ctrl + Backspace will fill the image or selection with Background color,
And Shift + Backspace will bring up a Dialog box to fill Foreground or Background or Content-aware of the image or selection.
And Alt + Shift + Backspace will fill the image or selection with Foreground but leaving the Transparent places Transparent,
but Ctrl + Shift + Backspace will fill the image with the Background but leaving the transparent places Transparent. - If you hold down Alt When you Performing Transformation with Ctrl + T, then it transforms the object by creating another copy of that object.
- Ctrl + Shift + T will repeat any recent Transformations.
- Pressing Ctrl + J will create a new copy of the currently selected layer.
- Pressing Ctrl + Shift E will merge all visible layers in one layer. And Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E will merge a copy of the visible layers into one new layer by leaving all layers untouched.
- Use Ctrl + D to deselect and Ctrl + Shift + D to do selection again.
- Use Shift and + or Shift and – to Cycle through the Blend modes, i.e., to change the blend modes one after the other.
- If Tools like Pain bucket or Brush or any tool which have the Opacity or transparency property, are selected then their opacity can be changed by typing the number on the keyboard, for example
when the brush tool is selected and if you type 5 on the keyboard then its opacity will be 50% and if you want opacity to be in double digits like 65 then Hold number 6 and then type 5, then, as a result, you will get 65% opacity. - To hide all the other layers except the one you want to work on, then hold Alt and click on the eye icon next to the layer on which you are working on the layer palette.
- Color sample can be taken not only from the image inside the photoshop but also outside the photoshop. To do that reduce the photoshop window size so that you can see the image from which you can take the color,
then click on the Eyedropper Tool, and click inside the photoshop and release it outside the photoshop on the image color from which you want to take. - Click the Create a new layer button on the Layers palette with holding Alt, then a dialog box appears with the settings for the new layer.
Best used Shortcut Keys in Photoshop
ctrl+n = new
ctrl+o = open
ctrl+ w= close
ctrl+ s = save
ctrl+ z = undo
ctrl+c = copy
ctrl+x = cut
ctrl+ v = paste
ctrl+ f = paste in front
ctrl + b = paste in back
ctrl+ a = select all
ctrl+ d = transform again
ctrl+ ] = bring forward
ctrl+ [ = send backward
ctrl+ g = group
ctrl+ 2 = lock
ctrl+ 3 = hide selection
ctrl+ j = join
ctrl+ 7 = make
ctrl+ t = character
ctrl+ m = paragraph
ctrl+ e = apply last fillter
ctrl+ y = outline
ctrl+ h = hide edge
ctrl+ 0 = fit in window
ctrl+ 1 = actual size
ctrl+ r = show rulers
ctrl+ u = smart guides
ctrl+ ” = show gride
ctrl+ – = zoom out
ctrl+ + = zoom in
ctrl+ k = general
ctrl+ shift + s = save as
ctrl+ shift + p = print setup
ctrl+shift + z = redo
ctrl+shift + a = deselect
ctrl+shift + m = move
ctrl+shift + g = ungroup
ctrl+shift + t = tab rulers
ctrl+shift + o = creat outline
ctrl+shift + e = applay last effect
ctrl+shift + w = hide template
ctrl+shift + b = hide bunding box
ctrl+shift + ” = snap to gride
ctrl+alt + s = save as copy
ctrl+alt + p = document setup
ctrl+alt + 2 = unlock all
ctrl+alt + 3 = show all
ctrl+alt + j = average
ctrl+alt + b = make
ctrl+alt + 7 = relaese
ctrl+alt + 8 = release
ctrl+alt + e = last fillter
ctrl+alt + ” = sanp to point
shift f1 = help
shift f7= show align
shift f6= apperance
shift f9 = pathfinder
shift f5 = show style
shift f10 = trancparency
shift f8 = transform
f5 = show brush
f6 = show color
f7 = hide layers
f8 = show info
f9 = show gradiant
f10 = show stroke
f11 = show attributes
CTRL+O = Open file
CTRL+N = New file
CTRL+W = Close file (watch out for not mixing with CTRL+Q!!)
CTRL+S = Save file
CTRL+SHIFT+S = Save file As
CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = Save for web
CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop
CTRL+A = Select all
CTRL+D = Deselect
CTRL+E = Merge Down (more about layers later on..)
CTRL+R = Rulers visible (the things you drag guidelines out from..)
CTRL+T = Transform selection (Scale and rotate..)
CTRL+U = Change image Hue, Saturation and Lightness
CTRL+I = Inverse
CTRL+F = Repeat last used filter
CTRL+K = Preferences
CTRL+L = Levels
CTRL+Z = Undo (something you just can´t live without. Fact.)
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+B = Color balance
CTRL+M = Curves
CTRL+Space = Zoom In
CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out
D = Set Colors to Default
X = Change Foreground color with Background color
CTRL+SHIFT+E = Flatten image
CTRL+SHIFT+T = Transform again
CTRL+SHIFT+U = Desaturate (make image black & white)
CTRL+SHIFT+I = Inverse selection (usefulnes=100000)
CTRL+SHIFT+P = Page setup
CTRL+SHIFT+D = Reselect
CTRL+SHIFT+F = Fade last filter..or thing you just did.. (works on a lot of things)
CTRL+SHIFT+L = Auto levels
CTRL+SHIFT+N = New layerCTRL+ALT+0 = Actual pixels (“zooms” to 100%)
CTRL+ALT+O = Open As
CTRL+ALT+S = Save a Copy
CTRL+ALT+D = Feather selection
CTRL+ALT+F = the Last filter, only you get to choose the stuff!!
CTRL+ALT+L = Auto levels, and… you get to choose.
CTRL+ALT+Z = History back (you´ve got to know this one!!!!)
CTRL+ALT+B = Auto-color-balance
CTRL+ALT+M = Auto-Curves
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Q = Quit photoshop..without asking anything!
CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E = Flatten image to active layer