Optimize Website Logo For Google Search

March 23, 2022
Optimize Website Logo For Google Search

How To Optimize Website Logo For Google Search?

Logos come in all shapes and sizes – text, geometric, web2.0, and more. In terms of SEO, it does not matter what type of logo you use. Instead, it is important how it is designed in the HTML code. You can read this post in more detail.

SEO Optimized logo

Why do you need to optimize the logo? By purpose, logos can be divided into:

  • those that serve for page layout and do not serve for navigation.
  • those that are part of the navigation and should lead to the main page of the site.

If we talk about the logos of the first type, depending on the number of pages and information, they can be decorated either with pictures or using CSS styles. For a small amount of content and the presence of only one or more pages on the site, a good solution would be to use a tag with keywords in the attribute alt, complementing the content page.

In the alt attribute, you should write the keywords for which the site is optimized. You can, with the name of the site, create a brand. Your logo will also appear in image search results for your chosen keywords or brand with this approach.

Suppose the site has many pages with a lot of content optimized for low-frequency queries. In that case, it is better to design a non-navigation logo using CSS styles to optimize code page loading and not to interfere with high-frequency questions in the logo keywords with low-frequency ones in the content.

Logo functions

Initially, the logo had only one function – to show the user its current site. Now the logo is perceived as an element of branding. In addition, a logo helps the user to move around the site. The latter fact companies use for internal optimization of the site.

The logo can also be used as a watermark. This watermark confirms that the photo/document/article/etc. belongs to a specific brand. Therefore, it is very important to optimize the logo for Google so that no one can steal and use your materials for their own needs without your consent.

Search logo optimization site

Logo – a valuable element of internal search site optimization, which for some reason is sometimes underestimated by developers and optimizers. First, the logo – a graphical link to the home page. The site’s main page should be 2-3 links from any site’s internal page.

We must remember the rules of page linking and optimize each internal link accordingly. In addition, in naming, there is the concept of “tagline.

A tagline is a textual explanation of a logo or slogan, often placed next to the logo. Unless you make a site devoted to a well-known brand, no one makes you write useless about the site promotion slogan. Put the keyword you want in the saying!

The logo is a cross-cutting design element present on all pages of the site. To improve website loading speed, it is important to optimize the logo image. With the retouching tools or the “Save for Web” feature in Photoshop.

Also, do not forget to use the backlink SEO service. Whatever the case may be, the amount and quality of backlinks are still important factors in search engine rankings. Through such services, you can get backlinks to the logo on your site. It will look organic for Google.

The logo as an element of branding

SEO logo – an element of branding. The name or address of the site, just typed in one of the standard fonts, may not be considered a logo.

The logo should be in the form of attractive graphics. For example, it can be the name or address of your site. But typed in a beautiful font and processed with a few tools in a graphic editor. Seo design tips will help you with this. You can also use different graphic symbols and shapes that are associated with your brand. There are hundreds of thousands of examples of different interesting ideas for logos on the Internet. You will definitely be able to find something suitable for your company.

You can also use the logos of famous brands on your site to retain users. This trick is only suitable for online stores, authorized dealers, or fan pages of favorite brands. Using someone else’s logo for your gain may subject you to criminal liability in all other cases.

A logo as an element of site navigation

A good logo in 2022 allows the user to determine which Google site he is on unmistakably. However, this is a secondary navigational function of the logo. The primary maritime part of the logo is the ability to quickly navigate to the home page from any site’s internal page.

The logo should be designed as a link to the home page of your site. Users always expect to see the logo in the top left corner of the site – and nothing else. Moving the logo to the upper right corner, for example, can confuse visitors.

It would seem that no big deal: an extra 10-15 seconds to adapt to “our cool design. But still do not forget that search engines have learned to track behavioral factors. An “extra” second to adapt increases the risk of losing visitors (potential customers).

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By Madhusudhan Krishnan

pixstacks.com was launched in 2016 by a small team of members who are passionate about graphics and multimedia. We are an Awesome Design Studio that believes in having a good time while doing what we love, and we do love what we do. We Love Creating Designs for websites, Graphics & Motion Graphics, VR Architect Walkthroughs, VFX, and Video Editing. Contact Us at [email protected] for Best Web Designing, Graphic Designing, Video Editing, and VR Architect Walkthrough Designing at Best Price.


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